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Many ladybug species are considered important beneficial insects because they voraciously consume plant-eating insects, such as aphids, mealybugs, mites and scale insects, which harm crops and plants in gardens. However, a few ladybugs are destructive and feed on plants, such as the Mexican bean beetle and the squash beetle.
Most ladybug species do not pose a health threat to humans. However, the multi-colored Asian lady beetle is known to aggravate asthma and cause allergic reactions in some people, a strong reason for ladybug pest control. In addition, they exude a viscous yellow, foul-smelling defensive fluid that may stain whatever it contacts.
The most effective way to get rid of ladybugs or prevent them from entering homes and buildings is to seal cracks around windows, doors, siding, and utility pipes, behind chimneys, and underneath the wood fascia and other openings. If ladybugs have already entered a home or building, a vacuum cleaner can aid in their removal. If an infestation has developed inside a home or building, a licensed ladybug pest control operator should be called to evaluate and assess the problem.