

Color: Dark reddish-brown
Shape: Flattened side to side
Size: 1/12 - 1/6 inch long
Region: Found throughout the U.S.

Fleas transport themselves on mammals and rodents and do not leave. They are known to infest household pets and wild animals. They can also be found on blankets, shoes or pant legs which can transfer the fleas to new locations.


Fleas are the most common transmitter of the bubonic plague. They can also transfer murine typhus to humans through infected rats. Fleas can cause anemia in pets and can transfer tapeworms. Their bites commonly cause itchy, painful red bumps. Their saliva can cause serious flea allergy dermatitis in pets and their debris has been reported to cause similar allergic reactions in humans.


Frequently vacuum and clean to prevent fleas from laying eggs and increasing their population. Keep a groomed lawn to avoid rodent habitats. Use flea treatment on pets, according to directions and regularly bathe and groom them. Prevent wildlife from entering yard. Even if you do not have pets, your home can get fleas from roaming wildlife.