Signs of Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small, hardy insects about the size and shape of an apple seed as adults. Because bed bugs are so small and excellent at hiding, it can be challenging to detect their presence, especially when they have just hatched from eggs. For this reason, bed bug detection requires a trained pest management professional (and, in some cases, a friendly canine). However, some key indicators may alert you to a potential bed bug problem. These include finding live or dead bed bugs, bed bug fecal spots, unexplained blood spots, or bed bug castings, along with discovering small, itchy, red bites on the skin. If you look closely with a flashlight, you may find live bed bugs around bed frames, box springs, headboards, and other hiding places near sleeping areas.
The bed bug life cycle is several weeks long, and since most bed bug infestations are not identified for weeks, you may find several forms of bed bugs. Bed bug nymphs are tiny hatchlings that are difficult to see. Bed bug eggs are usually hard to find because female bed bugs usually lay them in cracks and crevices in walls, under furniture, or in voids such as walls. That is why it is best to contact Dodson Pest Control immediately for a free inspection if you have even a small suspicion of a bed bug problem.