Common Myths about Where Bed Bugs Come From
Bed bugs can be present in any residence or business, regardless of how clean or luxurious it may be. An infested environment isn’t necessarily affiliated with poor hygiene as many may assume. Bed bugs seek out human hosts for sustenance—they don’t discriminate!
Bed Bugs and Cleanliness
Even the most meticulously cared-for homes can be affected by bed bugs. While many pests gravitate to specific environments, bed bugs aren’t selective about where they live. They’ll hitch rides and set up camp anywhere they can find a blood meal on mattresses — so long as they have a steady food supply, they are remarkably hardy. Contrary to popular belief, being clean doesn’t make you less vulnerable to a bed bug infestation. That said, by regularly changing your sheets and tidying up, you may notice a potential infestation more quickly.
Bed Bugs and Seasonality
No matter the season, bed bugs can thrive indoors. These tiny creatures tend to become most active during warmer months. Still, they can survive harsh winter conditions by entering diapause, the insect equivalent of hibernation. You may notice an uptick in bed bug activity globally during peak travel times — summer in the United States and the holiday season can get nasty if hotels and motels aren’t vigilant about checking for bed bugs.