Stink bugs are shield-shaped insects about the size of a dime. Adult stink bugs are usually green or brown–but they’re not best known for their appearance. These pests are infamous for emitting a stinky pheromone when threatened or squished. Sometimes, people describe the foul odor as being similar to rotten cilantro. The brown marmorated stink bug is the most common variety homeowners will encounter. If you suspect you have a stink bug problem, keep reading to learn more about how to address an infestation.
Why It’s Important to Get Rid of Stink Bugs
Stink bugs aren’t native to North America and this invasive pest can wreak havoc on crops. Stink bugs originally came to Pennsylvania from Asia and they are notorious for devouring soybeans, peaches, nuts, and other crops. Because these pests didn’t originate from the United States, there aren’t any natural predators to regulate infestations. As a result, stink bugs have caused thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to crops.
These pests aren’t just a pain to commercial farmers–they can quickly ravage small gardens. If you grow any kind of produce, you may be susceptible to losing your harvest to stink bugs if you don’t act quickly.
Getting rid of stink bug invaders isn’t easy. The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the EPA have been working with local agencies to address this issue. Fortunately, they’re a bit easier to manage if they’ve invaded your home or small plot of property.
Preventative Measures for Stink Bugs
As the saying goes, sometimes prevention is the best medicine. The primary thing you can do to prevent stink bugs is to ensure the points of entry to your home are properly sealed. Use caulk to seal cracks and crevices that stink bugs may squeeze through. Like other pests, stink bugs may fly through windows, doors, and other entryways if left open, so make sure you’re diligent about closing them. Installing screens on entryways can also help.
Another thing to keep in mind: stink bugs are overwintering pests. You will likely notice their presence as temperatures drop, along with ladybugs, as they look for a warm place to camp out over the winter. If you need to do any maintenance around the house, try to get it done by early fall before stink bugs seek shelter.
DIY Stinkbug Treatments
Essential Oils for Stink Bugs
Over the last couple of decades, using essential oils for pest control has become much more popular. Unfortunately, essential oil treatments aren’t regulated by the FDA, and it can be difficult to determine if these methods work. Some common essential oils used for pest management are rosemary and peppermint.
If you already have these products in your home, mix up to ten drops per one cup of water in a spray bottle and apply as needed. Even if this doesn’t solve your stink bug problem, it can make your home smell clean and fresh. As long as they’re used safely and appropriately, trying essential oils as a DIY solution won’t hurt–they just might not work.
Stink Bug Traps
You can purchase stink bug traps at home improvement stores. Typically, the most common types of stink bug traps are sticky traps. These traps are usually placed on the floor or elevated surfaces, but since stink bugs fly, they aren’t always effective at catching them.
You can also find traps that have bags filled with an attractant that lures and traps the stink bugs. Once captured, dispose of the bag, or vacuum the insects and attempt to catch more.
These types of traps can be effective, especially if you only have a handful of stink bugs. But if you’ve got a more serious infestation on your hand, it’s best to call a professional.
Professional Pest Control is the Best Way to Treat Stink Bug Infestations
If you are noticing large numbers of stink bugs around your property, professional treatments are the best way to address the problem. Our team of experts at Dodson Pest Control will help identify the root problem and entryways stink bugs are taking advantage of. In addition, we have the right insecticides to control your stink bug problem quickly.