*If you are experiencing signs of a severe allergic reaction, please contact emergency services or seek professional medical attention. This post is to inform individuals about signs of bed bug bites, not to provide medical advice.

Cimex Lectularius, or bed bugs as they are more commonly known, are a nuisance pest that just about anyone could run into at some point. Unfortunately, bed bugs are most commonly known for the unpleasant bites they leave on humans and even pets. Waking up to discover unfamiliar welts or rashes certainly isn’t pleasant, and in many cases, people assume bed bugs could be the culprit. Bed bug bites have a few distinctions that set them apart from other similar skin conditions–knowing them could be what clues you in to a bed bug infestation. Here’s what you need to know about bed bug bites.

Bed Bug Bites

What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like?

Bed bug bites tend to resemble or kinds of insect bites. They usually look like tiny red bumps on the skin. They often appear in multiple places and in clusters, resembling hives, though this doesn’t necessarily indicate the presence of more than one bed bug biting you. Since bed bugs usually bite while the host is asleep, bites will usually appear on areas of the skin that are exposed while in bed, such as the face, neck, shoulders, hands, arms and legs. Bed bug bites have similar symptoms as many other kinds of skin reactions, so before assuming the worst, try to see if you are experiencing any other signs of bed bugs.

Bed Bugs on Penny

Identifying Bed Bugs

Part of determining if you have bed bug bites is recognizing other telltale signs of bed bugs. Bed bugs are very small, roughly the size of an apple seed, and can sometimes be more easily identified by what they leave behind. If you notice reddish-brown smears (blood stains) or specks of excrement on your linens, mattresses, or bed frames, you have reason to suspect you are dealing with a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs also like to hide out in box springs, headboards, even couches and other items of upholstered furniture so they can have easy access to a blood meal. Because they are so good at finding excellent hiding places and mostly emerge overnight, it’s not particularly common to encounter live bed bugs.

Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites

Bed bug bites affect everyone differently, but the most common symptom is itchiness. When a bed bug bites someone, it uses its saliva to numb the skin and creates a tiny feeding hole with its mouthparts. This saliva also contains an anticoagulant to help with feeding. Individual reactions are often dependent on how the body responds to the bed bug’s saliva. These reactions can range from minor bumps that feel fine and go away quickly to rashes and swelling on the skin. The amount of time it takes for a bite to show up also depends on the individual, ranging from minutes to days.

Bed bug bites can be treated in multiple ways. Some of these include:

  • Anti-itch hydrocortisone (corticosteroid) cream

  • Antihistamine pill or cream

  • Cold packs for swelling

  • Topical anesthetics

Why Do Bed Bugs Bite?

Bed bugs feed on one thing: blood. A baby bed bug must feed to grow, and a female adult bed bug must feed to be able to lay her eggs. Bed bugs also often bite in multiple places to get the amount of blood they need or to access a good vein. That’s why bites often show up in groups, colloquially known as “breakfast, lunch, and dinner” bites. Additionally, if you move in your sleep, the bed bug may become disturbed and find a new place to feed, which is why multiple feeding sites are not necessarily indicators of multiple bed bugs biting you.

Infection Risks

While bed bugs do not transmit disease to humans, there’s always a small chance of infection from their bites. If you scratch them and irritate the skin more, they may become inflamed. Serious, allergic reactions, though rare, include blisters, heavy breathing, and fever. Anaphylaxis is also possible, though cases of such a severe allergic reaction are extremely rare. Those who have previous health conditions or who are immunocompromised are also at higher risk for infection as a result of being bitten.

Identifying Bites on Pets

While bed bugs do not feed on pets as much as on humans, it’s not unheard of for pets to bring bed bugs into the home. A bed bug bite on a pet will also look similar to that of flea bites or tick bites, which are much more commonly drawn to pets. But if you suspect your pet did bring bed bugs into the home (bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers), they will quickly leave the pet and find a good hiding spot in your home to wait for a feeding opportunity. If you’re concerned that your pet is bringing bed bugs or other biting pests into the home, take some time to wash and groom your pet and treat it with some form of anti-pest cream or collar.

Dodson Can Help

One of the most important things to remember about bed bug bites or an infestation is to leave the issue to the professionals at a pest control company. Bed bugs are hardy pests, and they tend to survive home treatments and DIY pest control techniques. Over-the-counter pesticides simply aren’t as effective as professional treatments like fumigations. According to Pest World, 76 percent of pest professionals say they are the most difficult pest to control.

At Dodson Pest Control, our specialized techniques and over 75 years of experience enable us to get rid of the issue quickly and effectively. If you think you have a bed bug problem, contact us today for a free inspection!