Over the last several years, the pest control industry has experienced significant growth — and that’s largely due to some surprising changes in household pest activity. In this article, we’ll dive into some of the most significant statistics that indicate which pests are most problematic to homeowners, how prevalent infestations are, and more. By better understanding what pest threats are most prominent, you can safeguard your home with a little help from pest control professionals.

2024 Termite Statistics and Facts

Known for causing significant damage to homes, termites continue to pose a significant threat to homeowners. Here are some of our favorite facts and stats to know about these wood-destroying pests.

  • The average cost of repairing damage caused by termites is about $3,0001
  • In a survey conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of the National Pest Management Association,2 35% of Millennials, 36% of Gen X, and 48% of Baby Boomers would call a pest control professional if they found only one termite in their home
  • There are around 45 different types of termites found in the United States3
  • Each year, termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage, which is more like $6.8 billion when you adjust for current inflation4
  • Each year, termites in the U.S. cause approximately $30 billion in damage5 to non-residential sites such as crops and man-made structures

2024 Bed Bugs Statistics and Facts

Bed bugs can be a major nuisance, leaving behind itchy welts as they emerge to feast as people sleep. Here are some key statistics to know about bed bugs.

  • 20% of Americans have had a bed bug infestation in their home or know someone who has encountered bed bugs6
  • Bed bugs can travel 100 feet a night in search of food7
  • Bed bugs are considered a public health threat8
  • Almost 30% of bed bug infestations in the US are located in the Southeast, Dodson Pest Control’s primary service region8
  • Each year, 76% of pest control professionals say that bed bugs are the most difficult pest to eradicate9
  • In 2018, 91% of pest professionals encountered bed bugs in single-family homes10
  • About 70 years ago, bed bugs were thought to have been nearly eradicated11

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2024 Rodent Statistics and Facts

  • 52% of Millennials, 57% of Gen X, and 62% of Baby Boomers consider mice/rats to be a strong to severe threat to public health12
  • Rodents infest approximately 21 million U.S. homes each winter13
  • Rodents can carry or indirectly transmit over 30 different diseases14
  • Rodents and mice can carry about 200 different strains of pathogens15
  • A single mouse has on average about 35 babies a year16

2024 Cockroach Statistics and Facts

  • Over 98% of cockroaches may carry harmful pathogens or microorganisms17
  • In 2021, about 14 million Americans reported seeing a cockroach in their homes18
  • About 4,000 species of cockroaches have been identified, though only four varieties are commonly encountered in American households19
  • Cockroaches carry about 30 different types of pathogens that can be harmful to humans20
  • Households with sagging roofs or other forms of damage are more than 3.9 times more likely to have a roach sighting21

Worried about Rodents or Roaches?

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Other Notable Statistics and Facts

Even though these pests may not jump out as being prevalent problems, you’d be surprised by some of the numbers we’ve rounded up. 

2024 Ant Statistics and Facts

  • About 50% of American households will have an ant problem each year, making ants the most common pest in the States22
  • Scientists estimate 20 quadrillion ants live on earth23
  • Of treated ant infestations, 64% were a result of the odorous house ant24

2024 Flies Statistics and Facts

  • A single fruit fly can lay up to 500 eggs in just one week25
  • The common housefly can transmit about 65 different types of diseases to humans26
  • Addressing problems caused by flies, including harmful diseases, can cost upwards of $1 billion a year in the States alone27

2024 Stinging Insects and Facts

  • Each year, more than 500,000 Americans visit the emergency room to be treated for insect stings28
  • Across generations, more than 80% of Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers are most concerned about ants and wasps/hornets in and around their homes29
  • Between 5-7% of Americans are hypersensitive to insect stings30

2024 Pest Control Industry Statistics and Facts

  • The pest control industry is expected to grow by nearly 5% from 2020-202731
  • The United States usually spends about $6.5 billion annually on pest control services32
  • 92% of homeowners care about sustainability when making purchases for products or services for their homes33
  • 50% of surveyed homeowners experienced structural damage due to a pest problem34



1. https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/pest-control/termite-damage-repair-cost/

2. https://www.pestworld.org/

3. https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/pest-control/types-of-termites/

4. https://www.pestworld.org/

5. https://getonedesk.com/blog/pest-control-statistics

Bed Bugs

6. https://www.getonedesk.com/blog/bed-bugs-statistics

7. https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/bedbugs/faqs.html

8. https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/bed-bugs-public-health-issue

9. https://www.getonedesk.com/blog/bed-bugs-statistics

10. https://www.pestworld.org/

11. https://www.pestworld.org/all-things-bed-bugs/history-of-bed-bugs/


12. https://www.pestworld.org/

13. https://www.pestworld.org/

14. https://www.cdc.gov/healthypets/pets/wildlife/rodent-control.html

15. https://www.pestworld.org/news-hub/pest-articles/fascinating-facts-you-never-knew-about-mice/

16. https://www.pestworldforkids.org/pest-info/bug-articles-by-type/how-many-babies-do-mice-have-at-once/


17. https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/15/3/07-1484_article

18. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/04/how-many-american-homes-have-pests.html

19. https://www.ecolab.com/pages/types-of-cockroaches

20. https://www.pestworld.org/news-hub/pest-health-hub/the-truth-about-cockroaches-and-health/

21. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/04/how-many-american-homes-have-pests.html


22. https://qmobius.com/insights/survey-finds-84-percent-homeowners-experienced-pest-problem-past-12-months/

23. https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2201550119

24.  https://www.pestworld.org/news-hub/pest-articles/ant-survey-executive-summary/


25. https://www.raid.com/en-US/education/bug-basics/8-facts-about-flies

26. https://extension.psu.edu/house-flies

27. https://academic.oup.com/jipm/article/12/1/39/6412694

Stinging Insects

28. https://www.pestworld.org/

29. https://www.pestworld.org/

30. https://www.beeawareallergy.com/bee-stings/symptoms/bee-sting-allergy/


31. https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/pest-control-services-market

32. https://www.kykopestprevention.com/blog/statistics-prove-importance-pest-control

33. https://www.angi.com/articles/sustainability-home-improvement-trends.htm

34. https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/features/pest-control-survey-structural-damage/